Lithium Quartz Raw with Stand




Lithium Quartz is known to aid in relaxation and relieve stress and anxiety. It can help stimulate the flow of energy and is an excellent stone to use for meditation. It is said to boost intuition and encourage good dreams and dream recall. Lithium Quartz calms the mind and opens the heart. It helps us to be present and focused on the essential task at hand. It releases distracting thoughts, but reminds us that distracting thoughts are normal and we don’t need to feel bad when they try to intrude.

Chakra: Heart, Third Eye, Crown

Element: Water

Birthstone: January

Zodiac: Aquarius

Planet: Earth

4 in stock

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Price includes stand.

The picture is a representation, due to the unique nature of crystals, there will be differences between individual items. We can intuitively choose one for you, or if you’d like to choose your own, please contact us.

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